
Sabtu, 31 Maret 2012

biodata Daniel Jacob Radcliffe


Nama : Daniel Jacob Radcliffe
Nama beken : Daniel Radcliffe
Nama panggilan : Dan
TTL : Fulham,London,23 July 1989
Status : Anak Tunggal
Nama Ortu : Alan George Radcliffe and Marcia Gresham
Binatang Peliharaan : dua ekor Anjing bernama Nugget dan Binka
Debut : The Tailor of Panama, dan beken Lewat serial Harry Potter
Agama : Belum Jelas Atheis/Yahudi
Mata : Biru
Aktor dan Aktris Favorit : Julia Roberts, Cameron Diaz, Kate Winslet, Nichole Kidman
Alat musik yang bisa dimainkan : Bass Guitar
Angka Favoritnya : Sembilan (9)
Warna Favotitnya : Hijau, merah, dan Gold
Olahraga Favoritnya : Sepak Bola
Buku Favoritnya : Harry Potter series
Minuman Favoritnya : Diet Coke
Superhero Favoritnya : Spiderman
music favoritnya beraliran : Rock
Hobby : Bermain Games / Play Station
Cita-cita : Penulis dan Director Per-filman
Mobilnya : Fiat Punto
Kartun Favorit : “The Simpsons”
Hubungi rumah produksi film Daniel Radcliffe :
c/o Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets productions, Leavesden Studios
Po Box 3000


Rabu, 28 Maret 2012

my speech when i shs :3

Name              : Nuni Udiani
Class               : XII IPS 1
Text Box: TitleReg. Number  : 04
The Importance of English
The Honourable my English Teacher
My beloved brothers and sisters
Text Box: Opening                                Assalamu alaikum Wr.Wb
                First of all, let me express gratitude to Allah SWT for the opportunity Which had been given to us. I also say shalawat and greet to our Prophet Muhammad SAW that bring us from the darkness to the lightness. Because all of that i can be here to deliver my speech entitled, “ The Importance of English “.
                Ladies and Gentlemen,
Text Box: Thesis                Mastery of English is learned by the people of Indonesia. Starting from 60’s until now, Englih lessons becomes the subject of no less prestigious than other subject like Mathematics and Science. The amount of the need to learn english has made this knowledge into a commodity bussines itself. Through this my speech, I state factors of geography, information, acces to information to be three reasons that make sense beyond the necessity of learning English for the people in Indonesia.
                Ladies and Gentlemen,
Text Box: Argu -ments                First, Indonesia is sorrounded by countries that most people use English as their first or second language. These countries are, Singapore, Malaysia, Phillipinnes, Australia, New Zealand and Papua New Guinea. Geographical factors becomes the first reason why Indonesia need to learn English. If One day, a citizen travels to one of countries have been mentioned with sufficient knowledge of English makes it easir for people to communicate with the local citizens.
                Ladies and Gentlemen,
Text Box: Argu -ments                Secondly, English language is learned from the use of size as language of international communications. To be able to communicate withe the people of different cultural background and nationalities, the English language the main option  that often used in communication. The examples, are easy to see there in this world of tourism.
                Ladies and Gentlemen,
                Lastly, the information in this world are circulation mostly published in English. Many books published in English. Therefore, English language profiency will facilitate the people of Indonesia to develop insight into knowledge by providing acces to konowledge outside Indonesia.
                Ladies and Gentlemen,
Text Box: Reite -ration                Based on the above three reasons, I conclude tha knowledge of English language for the development of an individual in Indonesia into a country it not inevatable. Like it or not, thi subject is on thing that need to be studied by every Indonesian.
                I think thats all,
                Forgive me if I have mistakes,
Text Box: Closing                I hope it cold be useful for all of in here especially my self,
                Thank you very much for your anttention

                Wassalamu alaikum Wr.Wb

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